Tuesday 12 March 2013

Famous Rabbit

Just when I think my life cannot get any stranger it does, and really why should I be surprised in the least as I live in Casa Chaos. yesterday a shout went out on FB, or nosey book as it is often referred to in our house, for a rabbit. The usual jokes begun about batteries, and sex shops, but on this occasion the woman in question wanted the fluffy variety.

For once the rabbit was not needed for a casserole, or breeding purposes, but to feature in her latest photo shoot. The lady who asked for the rabbit is an incredibly talented photographer, and she needs a white rabbit for her latest project. I was suggested by a few, and whilst chuckling, I messaged her to see if I could help.

All the information I have is that she needs a white, or nearly white rabbit that is friendly, and can be handled. Well Hoppity is perfect and once the rabbit head shots had been emailed over, he was offered the role. The whole thing is amusing, but very genuine, and it seems that my rabbit will be cuddled by beautiful women and paid for the privilege. There are many men out there that would love that opportunity.

So, whilst we wait for the date I think he may need a bath, and guidance how to behave when out in public. I wonder if fame and fortune will go to his little head, or if he will remember were his home and carrots are. I knew one of us would be famous, I just never imagined it would be the rabbit.

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